Saturday, September 24, 2011

Back in Harrisburg

So I wanted to give a quick update since being back in Harrisburg. We have been able to go into Harrisburg three fridays now that school has gotten back in session. One week were not able to go because of all the flooding in Harrisburg. But since coming back I've been able to see a lot of familiar faces and meet some other interesting people.

Yesterday was Logan's birthday and so we celebrated by going into Harrisburg with a cake and sharing it with the homeless people. We have been continuing in our pursuit to build friendships and to remain humble as we serve those through the building of relationships. I was talking with a man named Chuck last night who was talking about how much it meant for him to have us just come and hang out and share some cake. He shared how “People with townhouses, and condos, and mortgages” don’t really go out of their way for the homeless. He said, “it’s the little things that are essential. ” I hope that we can continue to deliver the ‘little things.’ It's the little things that keep us human, it's the little things that make up equals. We are all under God's grace, and we humble ourselves before Him. I encourage you to pray for us as we try and do the 'little things' that God can use to do big things, life changing things. 

One particular story I want to share is that there is a man named Ray who we've been able to talk to a lot over the past year. He was falling behind on his rent and there were several Messiah students who humbly gave to help him get caught back up on his rent, to pay off some of his debt. He has a job that starts this week and I ask that you pray for him that this can be a sustainable job. Pray for his work ethic and pray for the job itself, that it will remain. 

God has payed our debt, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." 

God Bless,
Andy Breighner

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